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Mailbursts are messages or newsletter-style messages under a particular responder to be sent over time.

The envelope icon takes you to mail bursts. You'll see the list of any bursts you've sent. From this list you can edit an existing burst or delete an old burst. These messages are added to a cache and sent over time.

To set the time when the message will be sent, use the Start Sending On field.

Create a new burst

The tag reference at the top-right is a list of tags you can use during the message. These are variable run-time tags that allow you to customize messages.

Here you add a subject, a text version and an html version. If you've enabled the html editor from the configuration you'll be able to use the html editor to help compose the message.

At the bottom you'll see the scheduler as shown in the figure above. You can preschedule messages to start whenever you want. If you're running an offer you want broadcasted at a specific time, well that's how you do it. One important detail is that the email is cached whenever you create the message, so subscribers that happen after it's cached may not receive the email. Still, if you're going to be busy and want the message to go out on-time, it's a great way to do it. The time option uses a form of military time. Hours:Minutes using a 24 hour format.

Delete a burst

Deleting a burst cannot be undone. Confirm if you're sure. If you delete a burst any messages that haven't gone out yet are stopped.

Edit a burst

These changes occur to the message, any that haven't been sent out yet will be changed. Obviously you can't edit a message once it's been delivered. At the bottom you can deactivate a message without deleting it.

This will stop it from being sent any further, but keep it in the queue incase you want to reactivate it at a later date. You'll see the message queue's progress at the bottom, this will tell you how far along the burst is.