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Autoresponder is a feature of the system that allows you to send a set of emails to clients automatically in response to emails processed by specific rules. These emails can be either sent all at once or at predetermined intervals (send this email, wait two days before sending the next; wait three days before the next, etc. )

The autoresponder can be access in the dashboard through the AutoResponder button

or cick Menu > Marketing > Auto Responder

Once you access the AutoReponsder, the first page you will see is the list of responders.

Run AutoResponder

In the AutoResponder screen, you will notice the Run AutoResponder button.

This button allows you to manually run sendmails and bouncechecker.

Sendmails is a script that sends automatically mail bursts and responder messages to subscribers in a predetermined time.

Bounchecker is a script that will check all emails from each responders through POP3 and will remove or block email address which contains specific regular expression rules.