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Help > Autoresponder > Subscribers >
Remote subscription

Since the autoresponder is created to be email-course friendly, there is a way to handle subscriptions advertised by others. Ie: Design an email course for your affiliates to give away, but let them handle the form capture from their end to build both of your subscriber bases.

For this reason the subscribe routine has a silent subscription feature that will disable all normal output, including the template files and redirects. It won't, however, disable the confirmation message sent to their email address for double opt-in lists.

Subhandler variables:
e = The email address
r = The responder ID
a = "sub"
h = 1 for HTML email. 0 for text.
s = 1 for silent sub, 0 for normal.

So lets say you want to set this up from under /autoresponder:$email&r=$resp&a=sub&h=$html&s=1

Then simply set up your PHP variables: $email, $resp and $html. At that point, all you have to do is call that link somehow. You can use a redirect, a silent post/get or even an image load to seamlessly start the confirmation process from any other site.

if you trust other sites to sign up users directly you can even turn off the silent feature, enable single opt-in and set the redirect to another page. Users passed to it will be signed up and sent on to your redirect.