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Help > Autoresponder > Bouncers >
Add a bouncer

The selectable field contains a list of owner and reply-to email of responders that aren't currently assigned with a bouncer. 

You can either select one, or select "other address" and add your own.

Then, click the Add a Bouncer button.

Bouncer fields will then be displayed allowing you enter more bouncer settings.

Assigned email address: Specific email address to retrieve bouncing emails.

Enabled: Set Yes to allow bouncer to take effect.

Username, Password, Host, Port, Mailbox: Coordinates for POP3 settings of the assigned email address

Delete messages: Clear bounces, Never clear, or Clear all

Notify on Removals: Set notify (it'll send a notify to the assigned email) so that it'll tell you when it removes someone

Spam Header: Set a spam header to ignore emails with this header